Saturday, 3 August 2019

Grow new brain cells with sport

A few years ago, most researchers were convinced that the shape and functioning of the brain was fixed a few years after birth. Any change that occurred afterwards was a negative one: loss of brain cells due to alcohol or other toxic substances, brain damage due to blows to the head, deterioration due to age or illness. It was convinced that no new brain cells were formed in the adult brain. This appears to be a mistake. 

New brain cells are still being produced in our adult brains. And that process, that neurogenesisis called, is stimulated by exercise. Exercising has a beneficial effect on the skills that appeal to planning and coming up with strategies. The effects are most evident in those who train for at least 30 minutes per session and who continue the training for at least six months. 

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Our brains consist of 60% fats that fulfill various functions, from useful to downright unhealthy. Saturated fats provoke atherosclerosis: the blood vessels narrow and blood circulation is compromised. We discussed what that means for the brain in point 1. Not to mention the increased risk of stroke. Saturated fats must therefore be limited!

Adequate exercise also keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy and ensures the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which is absolutely necessary because our brain cells devour oxygen and energy to function properly. Although they make up only 2% of the total body volume, they use 20% of all oxygen absorbed through the lungs and 25% of all energy. If they do not get enough oxygen and energy, things will stop. To meet the needs of that greedy brain, the heart and blood vessels must function optimally.

And then there is a third advantage: exercise influences the chemistry of the brain, more specifically the neurotransmitters that are important for internal communication. You may have already experienced it for yourself: you gather all your courage to put on your running shoes or to ride on your bike after a hard day's work and afterwards it turns out that not only your tiredness has been replaced by blissful relaxation feeling, but you can also concentrate much better. This is due to the endorphins - a certain type of neurotransmitters - that are released during exercise.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Top Five Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is possible if you are motivated. You should go over the following article to learn more about weight loss and find out how you can design your own weight loss program.

Set some reasonable goals for your weight loss program. You will get the results you want if you give yourself enough time and focus on taking small steps. Losing two pounds a week is possible and healthy, but you should not try losing more. Keep in mind that adopting a new habits could take up to eight weeks. If you do not give yourself enough time, you will probably go back to your old habits as soon as you stop making efforts to follow your weight loss program.

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Being more active will make a real difference. If you spend most of your day sitting and do not have a hobby that allows you to be active and spend some time outside, you need to make some changes to your daily routine. Take frequent breaks at work so you can walk or exercise on a yoga mat. When you come home at night, go for a walk or play with your children. Find a new hobby so you can be more active, such as gardening or home improvement.

Introduce new healthy foods in your diet. There are probably plenty of fruits, vegetables, spices and exotic dishes you are not familiar with. Go to the grocery store and take the time to look at different foods you never tried before. Introduce at least one new food a week and try different ways of preparing it. Ask your friends and relatives about their favorite healthy recipes and do some research on the Internet to learn more about healthy dishes you can easily prepare yourself.

Adopt a balanced diet. You should have three meals a day at regular times and choose foods from the five food groups. Cereal is the most important group, followed by fruits and vegetables. Meat and dairy products come next. The fifth and less important group includes fats and oils. Check the labels of the foods you buy to find out more about the ingredients and get an idea of the quantities you should eat. Eat your meals at regular hours and avoid snacking as much as possible.

A good fitness program can also help you lose some weight. You will get excellent results if you start slowly and progressively make your workout sessions more challenging, for instance by adding more exercises or by doing more reps of the same exercises. Do some simple exercises at home to lose weight in your midsection and target other muscle groups as you get in shape. You should also find an efficient cardio workout to strengthen your heart and burn some calories.

Getting in shape is very easy if you are motivated and use efficient weight loss methods. The different techniques presented in this article will help you develop your own weight loss program but you should not hesitate to get help from your doctor or from a nutritionist if needed.